Your satisfaction is our priority. If you're not completely happy with your purchase, we've got you covered with our hassle-free returns policy:
- Return request must be submitted within 30 days of receiving your order.
- Full price items can be returned for refund or store credit.
- Sale items can be returned for store credit only.
- We do not cover the cost to return the goods, and we recommend using a tracked shipping option such as Australia Post.
To begin your return process, simply send us an email with your order number, the item you wish to return, and the reason behind it. We're here to help.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by receiving a faulty item. Please contact our Customer Care team at with your order number and images of the fault, and we will work with you to resolve it as soon as possible.
- For all returns of faulty products, you must provide a valid proof of purchase (e.g., your order number).
- If your product is faulty, you can return it to us and choose to receive either a refund or a replacement.
- Please note that items damaged due to normal wear and tear, accidents, failure to follow care instructions, or misuse will not be considered faulty.
- Klymit's faulty product return policy covers products for twelve months from date of purchase.